Abstract Submission Deadline: Aug. 30, 2025

Abstract Submission

1、The deadline for abstract submission is Aug. 30, 2025

2、Abstracts must be submitted online. Please follow the rules and guidelines before submitting your abstract.

3、Please register and log in to the Learning Conference System to submit an abstract.

4、Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by email by Sept. 5, 2025

5、To ensure a high-quality conference, only papers that present new original research and are written well in clear English will be accepted. All abstracts and manuscripts will be reviewed by the Program Committee.

6、The length of the extended abstract should contain approximately 500 words. 

Abstract Template

Abstract Format:Word

Important Note:

1、You can submit only one abstract for academic communication and presentation.

2、You can just register to attend the conference, if you don't want to make any presentation or submission.

Manuscript Submission Deadline: Nov. 30, 2025

Manuscript Submission to Journal (Acta Photonica Sinica、Ultrafast Science、Opto-Electronic Advances、Opto-Electronic Technology)

1、The support journals are Ultrafast Science and Acta Photonica Sinica. An author or co-author can submit a manuscript to one journal by acceptance of the abstract.

2、The manuscript will be notified of acceptance or rejection after review

Journal link:

1) Ultrafast Science:https://spj.sciencemag.org/journals/ultrafastscience/

    Ultrafast Science full text template

2) Acta Photonica Sinica:http://www.photon.ac.cn

    Acta Photonica Sinica full text template

Conditions of Acceptance

An author or co-author will:

1、Register at the author registration rate.

2、Attend the meeting.

3、Make the presentation as scheduled in the program(oral and post).

4、The presentation and submission must be substantive reports of significant original research with clear English.

5、For publish and index, abstract and manuscript submissions are both required.