Conditions of Acceptance
An author or coauthor will:
· Register at the author registration rate.
· Attend the meeting.
· Make the presentation as scheduled in the program.
· The presentation and submission must be substantive reports of significant original research.
· For publish and index, abstract and manuscript submissions are both required.
Please note that:
· You can submit only an abstract for academic communication and presentation.
· You can just register to attend the conference, if you don't want to make any presentation or submission.
Abstract Submission Requirements
Abstract Submission Deadline: 31th Dec., 2021
Please register and submit the abstract in SPIE.
· An abstract (no more than 250 words) for technical review by the reviewers. Abstracts should contain enough detail to clearly convey the approach and the results of the research. These may be compiled and released prior to the meeting.
· if you want to submit the manuscripts to SPIE, maybe longer if desired (4-20 pages is acceptable), for technical review purposes that are also suitable for publication.
· Only original content should be submitted.
· An author or coauthor can only submit a manuscript to be published in the SPIE Digital Library by acceptance of the abstract.
The submission site is open now. The abstract link for authors is:
Note: Upon clicking the link, the author will see the SPIE sign in main page. The author must sign in to If the author does not yet have a SPIE account, they will need to make one. After sign in, the author will see the submission wizard.
Manuscript Submission Requirements of SPIE
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 28th Feb., 2022
· Please submit the manuscript to SPIE System after receiving the Notification of Abstract Acceptance. (Note: Publish full paper should submit abstract in SPIE system before 31st Dec., 2021.)
· Please be aware of the following before you begin to upload:
See for formatting information.
· Please note that the manuscript might be rejected by SPIE if
a) The manuscript is not in adherence with SPIE format specifications or does not reach SPIE on time. (SPIE will contact authors whose manuscripts have formatting problems. The authors shall be responsible for correcting any problems and submitting revisions in a timely manner.)
b) Any no-show paper will not be published or indexed.
Journal Submission
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 28th Feb., 2022
The support journals are Ultrafast Science and Acta Photonica Sinica. An author or coauthor can submit a manuscript to one journal by acceptance of the abstract.
The manuscript will be notified of acceptance or rejection after review
Journal link:
Ultrafast Science:
Ultrafast Science full text template
Acta Photonica Sinica:
Acta Photonica Sinica full text template
Contact Us
Yun Ai
Tel: 86-29-88887564-608
UltrafastX2021 投稿说明
4.请于 2021 年 10 月 20日之前完成摘要投稿,通过审稿后,于 2022 年 2 月 28 日之前进行全文投稿。
摘要投稿(截止日期 2021年12月31日)
SPIE全文投稿(截止日期 2022 年 2 月 28 日)
点击进入 SPIE 全文投稿系统(链接待开放)。详细要求请见:
期刊投稿(截止日期 2022 年 2 月 28 日)
1.本次会议期刊支持有《Ultrafast Scienc》、《光子学报》(ESCI、EI)等。如果您有期刊发表的意向,可在摘要审核通过之后,按所投期刊格式要求修改论文并将论文全文提交至期刊网站,全文投稿时请务必备注“UltrafastX2021会议”。
《Ultrafast Science》:
艾云,邮箱: ;电话: 029-88887564-608